Jake Trustin

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A compass, not a map

I’ve spent most of my life looking for ‘perfect maps.’

I asked a lot of people where I could find one, and a lot of well meaning people told me well intentioned things. They all seemed to know exactly where I should go, and when I should make each turn. The problem was, none of their answers were the same. Everyone told me something different so I froze. I stayed this way for some time, frozen. Why was it so hard to find the ‘perfect map?!’ Why couldn’t someone just tell it to me?

Then when I started looking closely at the maps, I noticed some things. Some were outdated; others were made for people not even heading in the same direction as me. Then finally, someone told me that the ‘perfect map’ didn’t even exist! Instead, they said I should look for a compass, so I did. And I found that compass.

The compass is great. Whenever I’m lost, I look to my compass to show me the general direction I’m heading. If I take a wrong turn, or backtrack, I can always look to my compass for help.

I still see so many people looking for maps. I wish they would look for a compass instead.