
In case you’re wondering, ‘Trustin’ isn’t some made up moniker. It’s my actual middle name. Some of you know me as Jake Trustin (the artist), others know me as Mr/Coach Williams from when I used to teach high school art and coach football. But most of you probably just know me as Jake. Art has always been a huge part of my life. I started as a little kid drawing pictures of superheroes, then athletes, and then anything and everything else.

The older I get, the more I realize life is more of a DIY kinda thing than a playbook you can follow. That’s why, a few years ago when I was feeling particularly stuck in life, I decided to set up my own DIY tour through America and Europe. I backpacked 45,000+ miles by way of planes, trains, and automobiles bringing a journal and sketchbook with me to document the experience. When I came back, I made a bunch of paintings and wrote a story to go with it. That’s what my book, ‘Organic Reconstruction’ is about. You should check it out.

I quit teaching end of the 2020-21 school year to begin working for myself as a full time freelance artist. I currently work as a painter, graphic designer, muralist, and illustrator serving a wide range of companies and individual clients.