I Keep Wanting To Control…
I keep wanting to control everything. My natural inclination is to want everything to be perfect. I want to control & shape how I’m perceived. And I want to know what my future will look like before I take a step forward.
I suppose all of this is natural. We all feel this way to some extent, some more than others. The problem is, if we always want everything to be perfect, we never move forward. We never create anything. We get stuck. We also live in a dilution because the truth is there are so many things we cannot control, or at the very least, have little control over. For instance, for us to believe that we will completely shape the way everyone perceives us, is unrealistic. I mean, to some extent we may be able to. We can control what content we create and what we put into the world, but not to the extent where we’re going to make everyone like us or agree with us. It’s just not possible. When perception becomes too important to us, we freeze.
The opposite of control, of course, would be letting go, or at least loosening our grip. We have to go places, both literally and figuratively that are out of our comfort zones. We have to do things and take actions that we’re not entirely sure what the outcome will be. We have to trust our own abilities not only in the face of outside critics, but from the biggest critic, the one in our own head. This is how we grow. This is how we move forward. We move into the unknown, & we let go, or at the very least, we loosen the reigns.