Every Direction Except…
Sometimes we want specific things to happen in our life really badly. We spend all our time dwelling on them, and all our energy focused in that one direction trying to control that fate. For some of us who are stubborn, driven, or whatever you call it, we will strive for that thing over and over and over, until our brains hurt.
It seems like the world ‘should’ give us the things we want in these cases. We want them badly enough, and focus enough energy on them. But often that’s not the case.
Sometimes we can’t get that thing we’re chasing so desperately, until we decide to stop chasing it. We decide we’re okay without it, and we start traveling in every direction except the one we were trying to go.
Then, it just kind of happens. Not always in the way we want, but it works out. I don’t know if this is because we become more open to all possibilities, more independent, more confident, or what, but it happens.