Update: 2 Weeks Without Social Media!

It’s officially been two weeks since I gave up all social media for the year.

Yes, I have thought about using it many times, but no I don’t think I’m missing out on anything. I believe the biggest change is that I really no longer know what’s going on in the lives of people I don’t see on a regular basis (an odd sounding thing to say out loud). I also think my mindset is focused much more towards the future. I’m not worrying about immediate feedback, because I’ve had the confidence to create consistently towards one goal. I’m also working on something that I believe is very special, so it has given me much more time to put energy towards that, and to stay in control of making sure that I’m aiming towards that goal. As a whole, I’m more focused.

I did this challenge of giving up social media because I felt like I needed a change. The generation I grew up in has been exposed to seeing everyone and their digital lives constantly for much of our lives. But it feels kind of like my eyes are opening everyday I don’t use social media, and they’re becoming more aware of things I never noticed because I’ve spent so many years running in circles, too scared to miss out.

Don’t get me wrong. I do think that there are potentially a ton of benefits to social media, but like many things, only if it’s used well. I’m on a journey to learn how to do that.

The journey I’m on, however, is nothing new. It’s been around since the beginning of time. I’m on the journey of discovering who I can be. I’m on the journey of giving up worry, anxiety, comparison, and the pain that comes with that. I’m on the journey of rebuilding what felt broken. I’m on the journey of taking leaps of faith, trusting in someone bigger than myself, and sharing my story with others who can relate.

I’m on that path and I’m walking towards the goals, slow and steady. Maybe you can relate.

Jake Williams