Online Life Vs. Life Online

Online life has become a weird combination of photoshopped ‘reality’, comparison, and FOMO (fear of missing out). It’s a way to try to keep up, and a way to miss out, all at the same time. It’s lead to decreased patience, increased anxiety, and unrealistic expectations.

Life online, however, is a different scenario. Life online is simply our actual real lives, shared through a digital platform. Life online is done best when our main focus is on what we’re doing with our real lives. We focus more on our purpose rather than the platform. What are we trying to create? Why are we creating it? Who are we seeking to serve? It’s more honest. It comes with no expectations, and helps us to stay consistent. In the midst of all the ever changing trends and platforms, it helps us remember that our real purpose is to create original work and think for ourselves, rather than trying to follow what anyone else is doing.

In today’s world it’s hard to live life without some sort of online presence. And although they’re both valuable, I’m coming to realize, that one is the propellant for the other.

Jake Williams