Phase 1: Travel
Collect Stories
Create Sketches
Take Photos
Create Videos
Phase 2: Write
Detox from social media
Be in the physical moments. ‘Miss out’ on everything you once worried about missing out on.
Write a journal post everyday for 365 days
Phase 3: Deconstruct
Break the ‘rules.’ Quit focusing on perfection. If I want to be different, I’ve got to pick a different route.
Focus on all the ways that you can break a surface down, so that you can build it back up stronger.
Phase 4: Reconstruct
Rebuild. Keep what you wanted from before, and throw out everything you no longer want or need.
Don’t worry about perfection. You can’t achieve it even if you tried.
Phase 5: Make Something & Share
Compile everything I’ve made and experienced over the last few years into one, or multiple items that I can share with others.