
Phase 1: Travel

  • Collect Stories

  • Create Sketches

  • Take Photos

  • Create Videos

Phase 2: Write

  • Detox from social media

  • Be in the physical moments. ‘Miss out’ on everything you once worried about missing out on.

  • Write a journal post everyday for 365 days

Phase 3: Deconstruct

  • Break the ‘rules.’ Quit focusing on perfection. If I want to be different, I’ve got to pick a different route.

  • Focus on all the ways that you can break a surface down, so that you can build it back up stronger.

Phase 4: Reconstruct

  • Rebuild. Keep what you wanted from before, and throw out everything you no longer want or need.

  • Don’t worry about perfection. You can’t achieve it even if you tried.

Phase 5: Make Something & Share

  • Compile everything I’ve made and experienced over the last few years into one, or multiple items that I can share with others.

Jake Williams