Not The First Time

The first time you try making something new, you’re probably pretty terrible at it. At best, usually you’re decent, but still not as good as you hope.

Don’t get discouraged. Getting good is all about showing up, failing, staying consistent, and slow improvement. Study greats from history and you’ll see this too.

Here’s some fun facts to back that up:

  • Despite only living until the age of 37, Vincent Van Gogh created over 2,000 works of art in his lifetime (900 paintings and 1,100 drawings/ sketches), most of which were done over a 10 year span.

  • Picasso created close to 50,000 works of art in his lifetime, including 13,500 paintings.

  • Mozart composed over 600 works of music in his 35 years of life.

The greats showed up day after day and all worked through those same creative struggles that we face. The difference is, they never stopped.

We often have to do things the ‘wrong way’ a few times before we learn to do them the right way. You might be great eventually, just probably not the first time. Keep going.

Jake Williams